Basic information for exchange students

Entry and residence regulations

General regulation
For entering Germany international students require a residence permit visa issued by the diplomatic representation of the Federal Republic of Germany in the student's country of origin and stamped into the passport.
This regulation does not apply to students from EC countries and the following coontries with which differing regulations exist:
Dominican Republic, Honduras, Iceland, Monaco, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and the USA. Students from these countries only need a valid passport to come to Germany; they do not need an entry visa.

Hints for students
As soon as you have a place to live in Tübingen, you must apply for an Aufenthaltsgenehmigung (residence permit).

You should also notify the Amt für öffentliche Ordnung before you leave Tübingen at the end of your studies. This Abmeldung (going-away notification) is not a requirement for leaving Germany. But if you should decide to return to Germany for studies in the future, an Abmeldung will save you a lot of time and paperwork. If you forget, a letter from the U.S. will suffice.

Send it to:

  Bürgermeisteramt Tübingen ,
  Wilhelmstrasse 24,
  D-72074 Tübingen.

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